(1) Aging society and Soba's incredible effect
(2) US Studies on Health and Futuristic Food "Soba"
McGovern Report, China Study and Alternative Medicine by NACAM
(3) Safety of Foods against GMO/Environmental Hormones
(4) Inmune Mechanism of Human Body
(5) Nutrients of Buckwheat and their roles .....New!
(1)Aging society and Soba's incredible effectBaby Boomers have been retiring and we have entered into an Aging Society. And we are getting more and more health conscious in these days in order to enjoy the life. Food and exercise are two main factors to determine our health condition. All animals and plants constitute a self-completed small universe. Generally speaking if you could eat the materials as a whole in its original condition, it would be the best because you eat the whole universe and all necessary substances for growth and survival are contained there. In such meaning, for example, to eat entire small fishes are very good for our health. But as you can easily notice that we are normally eating only a part of the food materials. Meat, Fish, Fruit and Grain, we only eat them after processing them into pieces by eliminating hard-to-eat or bad looking parts. So unless you eat calculating the balance factor of each nutrition, you will be prone to be off the balanced nutrition by only chasing your favourite taste. Wheat and rice are nourishing but because of their structure of the kernel, after refining process most nourishing part (Embryo) is already gone and only nice looking and comfortable to the tongue part would be main merchandises sold in the market. Though you can see whole wheat or brown rice in the market recently, still it's not so popular yet.
In case of Bcukwheat, structure of the kernel is advantageous. ie, Embryo
is burried deep inside the kernel and process of peeling off its thick
epicarp doesn't affect to its nourishing part.
(See Ingredients Comparison Chart of Buckwheat Flour and Wheat/Rice etc.)
Buckwheat itself in comparison with other grains is superior in almost
all ingredients and together with above mentioned structural advantage
of its kernel, the buckwheat is deserved to be called as "the King
of the Grains" because it fullfils three functional requirements described
below quite well. As you may recall the classes at your good old school
days, there are five essential nutrients for the survival of the human
beings. ie, Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipides, Vitamins and Minerals. Proteins of buckwheat are higher for outer parts of the kernel which contain about 15% of protein. Biggest trait of buckwheat's protein could be described for its high amount of Lysine (700mg/100g) , one of 9 essential amino acids, comparing with other grains which works to prevent high blood pressure and apoplexy. And Amino Acid Score to measure the quality of protein (eggs are the best protein and rated as 100) for buckwheat is 93 while best wheat flour is 44, brown rice 65, white bread 44 and that gluten free which is a good news to Celiacs.
But these nutrients represent only one part of the important functions
of the foods. Other than these nutritional functions, there are still two
other functions of the foods. 2nd one is sense function which satisfies
our 5 senses consequently the dish must be delicious to satisfy the appetite.
This is the difference from the drugs and this is the source of our cultural
creation. The last function is the adjustmental function of our living
body, the organism. Recently this last function attracts a great deal of
attention from various fields. To strengthen the immunity, to restrain
the symptoms of aging, to prevent getting cancer or high blood pressure
and to adjust our nerve or digestive systems are the examples. In the buckwheat,
it contains good amount of "Rutin" which is one of Polyphenol
families and this Rutin is exactly one of such functional ingredients which
is especially said to strengthen capillary vessels consequently preventing
cerebral apoplexy and disease with hemorrhage or blood related diseases
etc.. Furthermore recent study revealed that buckwheat contains more functional
ingredients on top of Rutin. Noteworthy role of newly found substances
is Anti-Oxidization effect. Human being without oxigen cannot maintain
its life, of course. But when breathing, 3 to 10% of the oxygen utilized
at respiration will be changed its form to very unstable activated oxigen
which is a material to cause various lifestyle diseases such as diabetes/cancers
and promote aging etc. This Anti-Oxidization effect is to remove the activated
oxigen from our body. Polyphenols such as Rutin of buckwheat and Catechin
from tea and Vitamin E and C etc. are all Anti-Oxidaization substances
and also are the components of buckwheat except vitamin C.
It is a common feature of all grains to have mainly starch in the endosperm
at center core and are enriched with other nutritious ingredients toward
the outer parts of the kernel. So method of de-hulling and milling of the
kernel is very important not only for the taste but also for the nutritious
aspect. That's why we do all these jobs by ourselves.
Main ingredients of Whole Ground Buckwheat are as follows.
Carbohydrates 69.6%, Moisture content 13.5%, Proteins 12.0%, Lipides 3.1%
and Ash content 1.8% backed up by Minerals, Vitamins, Non saturated fatty
acids and Vegetable fibres etc. Different from other grain like wheat and
rice, feature of buckwheat's protein is to have Essential Amino Acids which
cannot be created by our body. So this must be supplied intentionally from
outside sources. Among Minerals in the order of high component, it comes
Potassium, Phosphorus, Magnesium as top three followed by Calcium, Iron,
Zinc, Natrium, Manganese and Copper. As to Vitamins, buckwheat is rich
in B vitamins complex, they are B1iThiamine), B2 (Rivoflavin), B3(Niacin), B5(Pantothenic Acid), B6 (Pyridoxine), B9(Folic Acid) and also Vitamin E but doesn't contain any Vitamin A and C nor bad cholesterol just same as
other grains.
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(2) US Studies on Health and Futuristic Food "Soba"
@McGovern Report
@@@China Study
@ @Alternative Medicine by NCCAM
Obesity is said to be the world epidemic of the 21st century.
CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) says "Obesity is common, serious and costly"
Americans have known it well that obesity has been the issue.
@McGovern Report
In January 1977 first serious official warning has been presented by The
Select Committee On Nutrition and Human Needs, US Senate lead by George
S. McGovern. Edward Kennedy and Walter Mondale were also one of members
of this committee. The report was titled "Dietary Goals of the United
States - Foreward" (taking name of the chairman it is called McGovern
"We must acknowledge and recognize that the public is confused about
what to eat to maximize health. If we as a Governmnet want to reduce health
costs and maximize the quality of life for all Americans, we have an obligation
to provide practical guides to the individual consumer as well as set national
dietary goals for the country as a whole. Such an effort is long over-due.
Hopefully, this study will be a first major step in that direction."
said McGovern and concluded that following 5 Highs are the cause of the
American killing diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes,
hypertension, apoplexy and so on. Ie. high Calory, high Protein, high Lipid, high Sugar and high Refining foods
and dietary pattern are the cause. And proposed to return to the dietary
pattern at the beginning of 20th century where Americans were much more
Percentage of obesity around 1977 were less than 15% but it gets up &
up by decades and highest rate was 20% in 1991, 2000 24% and 2010 34%.
Americans didn't listen or didn't follow the proposal with the counter
opinions from the related industries like meat/sugar... It's a general
tendency of the world that getting "richer" makes people to eat
anything "high" in carory and price etc. Dietary behaviour, what
to eat, how to eat, are standing on the framework of the economy, politics
and social situation at that time and is deeply tacked in the culture and
philosophy of the country and very much conservative by its nature. So
I have a kind of understanding why Americans didn't follow and ignored
this nice and reasonable guide line. But it's pity to see such a drastic
increase on the obesity statistics and have to think again about the true
reason for the non compliance.
@China Study
In 1983 2nd massive project funded by US NCI (National Cancer Institute)
has be launched in cooperation with US (Cornell University), China (Chinese
Academy of Preventive Medicine) and UK (Oxford University) together with
government's agencies and it took 7 years for the completion as the "Study
on Dietary, Lifestyle and Disease Mortality Characteristics in 65 Rural
Chinese Counties".
It was a comprehensive study of dietary and lifestyle factors associated
with disease mortality in China. The study compared the health consequences
of diets rich in animal-based foods to diets rich in plant-based foods
among people who were genetically similar. In 1983 two villages were chosen at random in each of 65 rural counties
in China, and 50 families were chosen at random in each village. The dietary
habits of one adult member of each family were examined, half male, half
female and the results compared to the death rates in those counties from
around 48 forms of cancers and other diseases during 1973-75.
The study concluded that counties with a high consumption of animal-based
foods in 1983-84 were more likely to have had higher death rates from "Western"
diseases as of 1973-75, while the opposite was true for counties that ate
more plant foods. The study found surprising fact that plant and whole
foods would be the solution. Prof. Colin Campbell at Cornell University
tried to publish the study together with other study members but was refused
fearing serious uproar because the conclusion was not favourable and too
strict to the common public backed by the industries and governments and
got immediate attacks by patronized scholars saying it did not find a
clear association between animal product consumption and risk of heart
disease or major cancers.
Nevertheless in Jan., 2005 it was published as "The China Study" by Colin Campbell, Jacob Gould Schurman Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University, and his son Thomas M. Campbell II, a physician. It had sold over one million copies as of October 2013, making it one of America's best-selling books about nutrition.TheChina Study, a national bestseller co-authored by Dr. Campbell and his son, Thomas M. Campbell, MD, has sold more than 1 million copies since it was first published in 2005. It is the foundation upon which a nationwide plant-based diet movement is based. The China Study presents a clear and concise message of hope as it dispels a multitude of health myths and misinformation.
The science is clear. If you want to be healthy, change your diet.
The China Study examines the supposed relationship between the consumption
of animal products (including dairy) and chronic illnesses such as coronary
heart disease, diabetes, and cancers of the breast, prostate and bowel. The authors conclude that people who eat a whole-food, plant-based /vegan
diet, avoiding all animal products, including beef, pork, poultry, fish,
eggs, cheese and milk, and reducing their intake of processed foods and
refined carbohydrates will escape, reduce or reverse the development of
numerous diseases. They write that "eating foods that contain any
cholesterol above 0 mg is unhealthy."
They also recommend sunshine exposure or dietary supplements to maintain adequate levels of vitamin D, and supplements of vitamin B12 in case of complete avoidance of animal products. They criticize low-carb diets, such as the Atkins diet, which include restrictions on the percentage of calories derived from complex carbohydrates. They are also critical of reductionist approaches to the study of nutrition, whereby certain nutrients are blamed for disease, as opposed to studying patterns of nutrition and the interactions between nutrients.
The authors argue that "most, but not all, of the confusion about nutrition is created in legal, fully disclosed ways and is disseminated by unsuspecting, well-intentioned people, whether they are researchers, politicians or journalists," and that there are powerful industries that stand to lose a lot if Americans shift to a plant-based diet. They write that those industries "do everything in their power to protect their profits and their shareholders."
The authors describe their eight principles of food and health:
Nutrition represents the combined activities of countless food substances.
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
Bill Clinton (former US President) became a vocal supporter of The China
Study. In 2010, after years of living with heart disease, he undertook
the diet, eating legumes, vegetables, fruit and a protein shake every morning,
effectively living as a vegan. Within a short period he said that he had dropped 24 pounds, returning
him to his college weight. Sanjay Gupta, CNN's chief medical correspondent, said in his documentary
The Last Heart Attack in August 2011 that The China Study had changed the
way people all over the world eat, including Gupta himself.
@Alternative Medicine by NCCAM
Study by NCCAM (National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine)
US Department of Health and Human Services has NIH (National Institutes
of Health) which is a biggest medical research institute in the world.
In 1992 NIH has created NCCAM (National Center for Complementary and Alternative
Medicine) in order to study more effective way of implementation of superior
medicine of other world. The background of this movement was to stop and
cut ever increasing budget for Medicare cost of the government. In 1940
Medicare cost was only US$4 Billions but in 1992 (the year when NCCAM was
established) it jumped up well over US$800 Billions and 1994 it easily
exceeded US$1 Trillion and still accelerating upward with the arrival of
the Aging Society. And the tax-payers will not be tolerable for such a
heavy burden on their shoulders. Something must be done. Everybody thought.
Analysis revealed that 70% of the Medicare costs were paid for the chronic
diseases such as Cancer, Diabetes and Heart and blood related diseases
etc. called Life-style disease or Adult disease. These Life-style diseases
could be prevented and cured just by changing their lifestyle introducing
proper exercise and/or dietary precautions. Thus promotion of such healthy
lifestyles would surely contribute to reduce the backword cost to be used
for the medical treatments. NCCAM defines the word "Alternative Medicine"
as the Medicare systems to put an emphasis on the improvement of the quality
of life and prevention of diseases which current western medicine doesn't
have an answer. In 1995 they have issued a huge report titled "Alternative
Medicine: Expanding Medical Horizons" in which they have deeply thought
current main stream of western medicine have been really effective for
treatment of external wound or pain relief etc but it also has revealed
its weakness for chronic diseases called life-style diseases. Diseases
must be cured fundamentally not only doing symptomatic/clinical treatments
killing pain etc.. Based upon such recognition, they have given priority
to the following research fields.
1)Dietary treatments for the prevention and treatment
of the chronic diseases
2)Implementation of the traditional Oriental medicine
such as Acupuncture and moxibustion
3)Mutual relationship between body and mind such as psychological
treatment, meditation, imaging and music therapy etc.
4)Chiropractic and massage therapy
5)Herbal treatment and drugs which are not approved by
current western medicine. 6)And a few more fields.
As the study went on, it revealed the defects of current American style
meal diet which was big enough to be sick and definitly lacking minerals
and vitamins etc. Personally I feel that to completely exclude animal basis
foods from our dietary selection would be too strict and lacking the balance
of the universe and could be the cause of unnecessary stress to many people.
So I would like to follow the conclusion of the science with a little bit
of modification at my style, ie. Eat- small basically on plant foods, Take-balance and Live with Thankness
and Laughter avoiding unnecessary stress.
Recently Japanese traditional dietary style mainly relying upon grains
such as rice and buckwheat, vegetable and fish are reviewed and proved
to be the ideal diet and far much better than that of Western style which
tend to induce lifestyle diseases by over consumption of lipid/protein
from meat etc. and firmly believe that dietary style like Japanese cuisine,
vegetarian and macrobiotic meal would easily reduce the risks of being
in cancer and heart/blood related diseases etc..
So 21st century must be the century of the real fusion between West and
East culture.
Now I would like to take a break by simply saying that eating Soba means
to stay healthy and young. It fits every TPO from outdoor emergency provision
to cool Edokko style of soba eating,
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(3)Safety of the Foods against GMO / Environmental Hormones
In the past in order to be healthy it was OK just to follow above mentioned
nutritious precautions. But regrettably nowadays there is one more basic
issue you have to bear in mind. That is "the Safety of the materials"
by avoiding the risks of the exposures to newly created chemicals by man
such as hormone disrupting chemicals (Environmental Hormones) and GMO (Genetically
Modified Organism) etc.. It is said that there are about 70 environmental
hormones listed at present including famous deadly dioxin. Recent development
of the science especially in Biotechnology is surprisingly remarkable.
In 1996 it appeared clone sheep and soon commercialized clone beef and
in 2003 news says first human clone was born though no scientific proof
was given. And attempt of DNA treatment at some hospital, GMO vegetables
such as never rotten ripe Tomato (Flavor Saver) sold in USA or insect-resistent
Corn which has programmed built-in insecticide in it and herbicide resistent
Soybean (Round Up Ready) and very end of 2002 Application for approval
of Round Up Ready Wheat was submitted quietly in Canada. Happily it was
not approved because the applicant failed to convince the parties concerned
with proof of safety. And there are many more GMO foods in the market.
And now GE (Genetically Engineered) fishes are under way. With this GE
technique, it is easy to create an animal with a new characteristics, but
large mammals like cows, pigs and goats don't multiply as plentifully or
as rapidly as fish. GE fishes with continuous production of the growth
hormone gene grow as much as 10 to 30 times faster than normal fish. And
there are already more than 35 species being developed around the world
and pushing governments for approval. In China, it is reported that GE
carp is already in commercial production and in Cuba GE tilapia is being
sold to consumers. Most GE fishes are cultivated in ocean net pens which
are highly susceptible to breakage caused by weather, human errors etc.
and average 15% of farmed fish escape also sometimes there are incidences
of mass fish escape. One of the reason for GMO is to prepare for possible
famine by the increase of population on the earth. But on the contrary
it might work adversely. Study says GE fish is more aggressive, consume
more food and attract more mates but their offspring will be less fit and
less likely to survive. As a result such GE fish will cause natural species
to become extinct within only a few generations.
These GM products would be nice only if scientists could prove their risk-free nature to our human bodies and/or environment. But it seems that promoters of these projects are too busy to acheive their main goal of "making money" by just saying GM foods are "Substantially equal" to the natural foods they immitated. Can we believe such words? We have so many studies and experiments which show clear danger to humanity and environment.
Can promoters simply say that animal experiments could not be applied to
human? We can suppose what would happen in case of human. We cannot wait
till we have definite proofs by the disaster on humanity and environment.
It's too late by then. We have to humbly follow the warning signs of the
studies. Also it must be the responsibility of the promoters to scientifically
prove the safety of their products. Traditional doctrine of Criminal Code
is "Suspicious should not be punished" but in this case the doctrine
must be "Suspicious should not be released".
Not only GMO issue, there are so many problems on the Safety of our Foods.
Examples are post-harvest agricultural chemicals and so called "Environmental
Hormones" like Dioxin which are endocrine hormone disrupters. It is
said our bodies are now contaminated with more than 300 man-made chemicals
which mojority of them were not in the bodies of our great-grandparents.
It is definitely prudent to minimize the daily exposure to humans especially
pregnant women and children because some chemicals that we cannot break
down will accumulate in our body's tissues known as "Bio-Accumulation".
It is not known what the long term effects might be (but we have so many
signs already) and we would be unable to remove them from our bodies and
environment even if found to be harmful. . Contaminated environment and
foods are directly affecting to humanity as the top of the food chain.
If you wouldn't take good precautions to avoid these risks, your precaution
toward nutritions and excersises could result in vain. It is almost impossible
to eliminate these dangerous chemicals but it is possible to reduce the
risks of being exposed to them by correct selection of our foods with good
knowledge. We will discuss how to reduce risks at earliest opportunity.
Little is known about the possible risks of these Environmental Hormones
and GM Foods because these are quite new issuses. Most of the evidence
for these Endocrine Hormone Disrupting Toxicity are from studies on animals
or on cell cultures. There is little data available on human effects due
to unacceptability of doing experiments on humans.
However there are many worrying signs and trends in the health of the humanity.
1) Steady increase of cancer. No.1 cause of death. About one third are
death from cancers. 50 years ago, the cause of US womens's (age between
40 to 55) death by breast cancer was only 5% but a report says it increased
1% every year since then.
2) Sperm counts have reduced by about 25% in recent 20 years. Especially
those born most recently having the lowest sperm counts. Recent report
says that 20 year old lad counts only a half of 40 year old man's sperm.
The ratio of male to female births has declined during last 20-40 years
in Europe and North America by reducing proportion of male babies through
environmental pollution and hormone disrupters.
3) Decrease of immunity, disorder to brain nerve system and endocrine system
by hormone disrupters.
4) Increase of the new born babies with atopic dermatitis. 1997 in Japan
7% of new borns were atopic allergy since fetus through prenatal infection.
And with breast feeding, incidence ratio increased another 8%.
Human organism during its 1.5 millions years history of evolution has developped
the internal defence system of degrading and detoxifying phytoestrogens
(estrogenic chemicals produced naturally by plants are called phytoestrogens)
and other chemicals by metabolism but it is not ready yet to build up new
antibody or new enzyme for the newly man-made chemicals in such a short
time of 30/50 years. And only with ultra small quantity, they start working
and give us various harms. Can you guess how small is it for "small
quantity"? Unit being used normally is PPT (Parts Per Trillion) !
And we cannot imagine anything at all with it but it could be explained
as a dew drop of 1g dripped into a huge swimming pool with size of L500m
x W200m x D10m . Products contained with these bad chemicals are saturated
around us and almost next to impossible to eliminate using all these products.
But even if it's the mission very difficult, we have to try to do everything
possible starting from not buying such suspicious products and studying
the way of safe eating because nearly 100% of hormone disrupters are through
Understanding above situation well, Soba Canada is trying to select only
the materials to be "Safe" for our health and environment. And
we can proudly say that;
----Through Soba , to get health and happiness are our objectives-----
Happilly, there is no GMO Buckwheat in the world yet and we have some non-GMO/organic
growers in Canada for other grains and beans too.
(4) Inmune Mechanism of Human Body
Our body is well maintained and adjusted atomatically for the optimum condition
for survival. It is not necessary to order consciously to make a breath
to our lung for example. Our lung works depending upon the situation, faster
or slower. It's the role of Autonomic Nerve System which consists from
Sympathetic Nerve and Parasympathetic Nerve. During the daytime, Sympathetic
Nerve dominates the body for a support of our various activities and coming
back home in the evening the switch changes to Parasympathetic Nerve for
relaxed time. Thus Autonomic Nerve toggles between Sympathetic nerve and
Parasympathetic nerve in a Circadian Rythme if working normally. But in
the modern world we are surrounded by so many stresses which would lead
us to autonomic ataxia.
The blood consists from two types of blood cells (corpuscle). Majority
is the red blood cell (Erythrocyte) which function is to carry oxygen and
carbon dioxide and exists about 5 million per cubic mm. And another one
is the white blood cell (Leukocyte) which is in charge of Immunity and
number is only 5-6,000/cbc. mm. It's only 0.1% of the Erythrocyte. 60%
of the Leukocyte is Granulocyte whcih eats and decomposes invading bacteria/virus.
But the life of this Granulocyte is only for 2 days after differentiation
from marrow. It blows up itself and scatter the activated oxygen which
makes harmful substances and attack and destroy human body. 35% of Leukocyte
is Lymphocyte which recognizes these invaders as Antigen and works up Immunity
by making Antibody together with B-Cell and T-Cell. And the last 5% is
Monocyte (Macrophage) which also eats bigger microbes Granulocyte cannot
eat. All these corpuscles are under the command of the Autonomic Nerve
System. So human immune system is made and maintained when Parasympathetic
nerve is taking a lead , in another word when you are relaxed listening
a favourite music or soaking in a bath, your body start enhancing your
inmunity. That's why sometimes taking a day off is so important. And the
vegetables are also having a great power to soothe and tranquilize our
body and stimulate Parasympathetic nerve to take a lead for relaxation.
Do you know the cause of a cancer? Cancer cell is a inferior cell at the
time of regeneration. If your body's inmune system is working properly,
such cancer cell would be killed and disposed by Leukocyte. But by some
reason such as strong stress, if your inmune system is down or low and
not working properly, such cancer cell proliferate themselves in your body
and cause cancer. So now you know, to keep your health means to keep autonomic
nerve system especially parasympathetic nerve working in our daily stressfull
world. That's so simple by words.
It is reported that the Buckwheat especially has the effect to calm down
brain cells thus having a plan to make a medicine from buckwheat for brain
related diseases. Activated oxygen made after completing Granulocyte's
job are harmuful as discussed above but Rutin of Buckwheat acts as an scavenger
to remove such substances from our body.
(Easy and Effective Way of enhancing the Inmune System):
The easiest and effective way to enhance our immune ability would be to
pinch the bottoms of your finger nails for 10 seconds which will surely
help Parasympathetic nereve taking a lead. (But only your third finger
should not be pinched because it stimulates Sympathetic nerve.) If it is
especially painful, then pinch it for 20 seconds. Preferably the pinchings
should be done 2 to 3 sets per day. After 2 weeks of diligent pinching,
you will realize the change for the improvement.
This method is derived from "Fukuda-Abo Immune Enhancing Doctorine".
Dr. M. Fukuda is a well-known general practitioner in Niigata, Japan and
Dr. T. Abo is a professor of the Niigata University postgraduate school
with his many books which will drop the scales from your eyes.
(5) Nutrients of Buckwheat and their roles
(See Ingredients Comparison Chart of Buckwheat Flour and Wheat/Rice etc.)
- Carbohydrates (Carbs)
- Proteins :
- Lipids :
- B Vitamins complex;
B1(Thiamine), B2 (Rivoflavin), B3 (Niacin), B5 (Pantothenic Acid), B6 (Pyridoxine), B9 (Folic Acid)
- Vitamin E
- Minerals :
Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Zinc
- Fibre :
Carbohydrates (Carbs) : 69.6g/100g of whole ground buckwheat
The most important source of energy for the body. Our digestive system
changes carbohydrates into glucose (blood sugar) and uses this sugar for
energy for our cells, tissues and organs. It stores any extra sugar in our liver and muscles for when it is needed.
Carbohydrates are called simple or complex, depending on their chemical
structure. Simple carbohydrates include sugars found naturally in foods
such as fruits, vegetables, milk, and milk products. They also include
sugars added during food processing and refining. Complex carbohydrates include whole grain breads and cereals, starchy vegetables
and legumes. Many of the complex carbohydrates are good sources of fiber.
Protein : 12.0g/100g of whole ground buckwheat
Protein is in every living cell in the body. Our bodies need protein from
the foods we eat to build and maintain bones, muscles and skin. We get
proteins in our diet from meat, dairy products, nuts and certain grains
and beans. It is important to get enough dietary protein. We need to eat
protein every day, because our body doesn't store it the way it stores
fats or carbohydrates.
Lipids : 2.9g/100g of whole ground buckwheat
Lipids are very diverse in both structures and functions. Lipid family
is insoluble in water. They are however soluble in other organic solvents
such as ether, acetone and other lipids. Major lipid groups include fats,
phospholipids, steroids and waxes. Fats are composed of three fatty acids
and glycerol. These triglycerides can be solid or liquid at room temperature.
Those that are solid are classified as fats, while those that are liquid
are known as oils. Fatty acids consist of a long chain of carbons with
a carboxyl group at one end. Depending on their structure, fatty acids
can be saturated or unsaturated. While fats have been denigrated to the
point that many believe that fat should be eliminated from the diet, fat
serves many useful purposes. Fats store energy, help to insulate the body
and cushion and protect organs.
A phospholipid is composed of two fatty acids, a glycerol unit, a phosphate
group and a polar molecule. . Phospholipids are a major component of cell
membranes which enclose the cytoplasm and other contents of a cell.
Steroids have a carbon backbone that consists of four fused ring-like structures.
Steroids include cholesterol, sex hormones (progesterone, estrogen and
testosterone) and cortisone. Waxes are comprised of an ester of a long-chain
alcohol and a fatty acid. Many plants have leaves and fruits with wax coatings
to help prevent water loss. Some animals also have wax-coated fur or feathers
to repel water.
Saturalated fatty Acid (SFA): 0.60mg/100g of whole ground buckwheat. the components of the common animal fats, such as butter and lard.
Mono Unsaturalted Fatty Acid (MUFA): 1.11mg/100g of whole ground buckwheat.Unsaturated fatty acids contain one or more double bonds. MUFAs are liquid at room
temperature and Oleic Acid are found in olive oil and in seed oil etc.
Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acid (PUFA): 1.02mg/100g of whole ground buckwheat. PUFA s have two or more double bonds and contain essential fatty acids ie. LA (Linoleic Acid) and ALA (Alpha-Linolenic Acid) which makes EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid). DHA & EPA activate brain cells improving or preventing senile dementia
and atopies, control stress, enhance memory and kinetic ability, increase
eye sight, prevent arteriosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, thrombosis and high
blood pressure, anti inflammation and so on and found in blue fish like
sardine, mackerel and tuna.
B Vitamins Complex :
consist from 8 B complex vitamins and buckwheat is especially rich in B
vitamins which contains 6 of them. ie. B1(Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin), B3 (Niacin), B5 (Pantothenic acid), B6 (Pyridoxine)
and B9 (Folic Acid). But following 2 Vitamin Bs are not contained in buckwheat. ie B7 (Biotin) and B12 (Cyanocobalamin) those are normally produced by intestinal
bacteria more than body's necessity and excessive amount is excreted .
All B vitamins help the body to convert food (carbohydrates) into fuel (glucose), which is used to produce energy. These B vitamins also help the body use fats and protein. B complex vitamins are needed for healthy skin, hair, eyes, and liver. They also help the nervous system function properly. Vitamins are substances that our body needs to grow and develop normally. All the B vitamins are water-soluble, meaning that the body does not store them and must be taken in every day.
B1(Thiamine); 0.46mg/100g of whole ground buckwheat
This is important for blood formation and circulation. It also plays a
role in the proper metabolism of carbohydrates. It helps prevent depression,
strengthens cardiac function and promotes healthy nerves. It is used in
the biosynthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and gamma-aminobutyric
acid (GABA). All living organisms use thiamine, but it is synthesized only
in bacteria, fungi, and plants. Animals must obtain it from their diet,
and thus, for them, it is an essential nutrient. deficiency results in
Korsakoff's syndrome, optic neuropathy, and a disease called beriberi that
affects the peripheral nervous system (polyneuritis) and/or the cardiovascular
system. Thiamine deficiency has a potentially fatal outcome if it remains untreated. In less severe cases, nonspecific signs include malaise, weight loss,
irritability and confusion. It is on the World Health Organization's List
of Essential Medicines, a list of the most important medication needed
in a basic health system.
Good food Sources are Yiest, Pork, Beans, Embryo buds like whole flour
bread, Milk and Yellow green vegetables.
RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) for adult men is 1.1mg/day and for adult women 0.8mg/day. Additionally 0.35mg for every 1,000Kcal energy intaken is needed. Over dose will be discharged with urine.
Basically nearly from 1/3 to 1/2 of Tiamine will be lost while cooking
due to its water soluble character etc. So utilization of cooking water
is a wise practice to retrieve it back to our body. Ancient Japanese knew
that drinking Soba-yu after eating soba was a wise practice even in the
light of modern science. Also another wise ancient wisdom in Soba is to
use thinly sliced green onion and minced chive as the condiment. Allicin
contained in garlic, green onion, chive and leek, scallion etc combined
with Thiamine help absorption of this vitamin into our body. Allicin is
made when the cells are destroyed by cutting./grating and you can smell
this strong odor of allicin. That's why sliced green onion is used as condiment.
(scientific name of onion is "Allium fistulosum" and garlic is
"Allium sativm.)
The efficacies of allicin are as such; sterilization, to help absorption of B1, to promote gastric secretion, to enhance body metabolism,
to enhance immunity by activating detox enzymes and anti oxidization, anti
inflammation, anti stress, anti cancer, anti aging, anti cholesterol etc......Super
substance the God gave us!
B9 (Folic Acid) 51mcg/100g of whole ground buckwheat
Also called Folacin, Folate, Pteroylglutamic acid
Name came from Latin "folium" for leaf when found in 1941 from
spinach leaf. Every woman needs folic acid every day for the healthy new
cells the body makes every day...the skin, hair, and nails and the everything
and especially important to have enough Folic Acid before (at least one
month before) and during pregnancy in order to prevent major birth defects
of her baby's brain or spine. Women planning a baby are recommended to
take 400 microgram (mcg)(=0.4mg) of folic acid every day. Estimated average intake for men/women is 200mcg and 240mcg recommended
also maximum 1,000mcg. Attention should be paid for cooking and storage.
Long storage may destroy folic acid by oxidization.
Good food sources are leafy green vegetables, fruits, dried beans, peas, nuts, cereals and other grain products. Big drinking (of course alcohol beverage) prevent absorption and metabolism of folic acid.
Vitamin B9 (folate converted from folic acid) is essential for numerous bodily functions.
Humans cannot synthesize folate de novo; therefore, folate has to be supplied
through the diet to meet their daily requirements. The human body needs
folate to synthesize DNA, repair DNA, and methylate DNA as well as to act
as a cofactor in certain biological reactions. It is especially important
in aiding rapid cell division and growth, such as in infancy and pregnancy.
Children and adults both require folate to produce healthy red blood cells
and prevent anemia.
This deficiency can result in many health problems, the most notable one
being neural tube defects in developing embryos. Common symptoms of folate
deficiency include diarrhea, macrocytic anemia with weakness or shortness
of breath, nerve damage with weakness and limb numbness (peripheral neuropathy),
pregnancy complications, mental confusion, forgetfulness or other cognitive
deficits, mental depression, sore or swollen tongue, peptic or mouth ulcers,
headaches, heart palpitations, irritability, and behavioral disorders.
Low levels of folate can also lead to homocysteine accumulation. DNA synthesis and repair are impaired, which could lead to cancer development. Folic acid has two roles in formation of cancer. Low desnsity of folic
acid prevents being cancer , but high density dose, on the contrary, promotes
the formation of cancer. So careful attention is needed for high dose.
Vitamin E deficiency can cause: spinocerebellar ataxia, myopathies, peripheral neuropathy, ataxia, skeletal myopathy, retinopathy, impairment of the immune response, red blood cell destruction.
Although the study suggests that vitamin E supplementation may slow the progression of dementia, the dosage was very high and may be unsafe in the long term. Overdose causes Hypervitaminosis E. Vitamin E can act as an anticoagulant, increasing the risk of bleeding problems. RDA for adult men/women are 15mg/day respectively. Many agencies have set a tolerable upper intake levels (UL) at 1,000 mg (1,500 IU) per day. In combination with certain other drugs such as aspirin, hypervitaminosis E can be life-threatening.
Olive Oil, Canola Oil, Soybean Oil, Nuts such as Almonds, Peanuts, Soybeans, Fish Roes like caviar, salmon
roe, cod roe, Blue fishes such as Mackerel, sardins are good sources.
Minerals :
Calcium (Ca) ; 17mg/100g of whole ground buckwheat
Calcium is a soft gray alkaline earth metal. As a major material
used in mineralization of bone, teeth and shells, calcium is the most abundant
metal by mass in many animals. Approximately 99 percent of the body's calcium
is stored in the bones and teeth. Vitamin D is needed to absorb calcium. Recommended daily calcium intake
for adults more than 20 years old ranges from 1000 to 1200 mg. National Institutes of Health recommends that no more than 600 mg
of supplement should be taken at a time. It is therefore recommended to
spread doses throughout the day.Food sources are dairy products, sea foods, leafy vegetables etc,
Copper (Cu) : 0.54mg/100g of whole ground buckwheat
Copper is essential to all living organisms as a trace dietary
mineral because it is a key constituent of the respiratory enzyme
complex cytochrome c oxidase. The main areas where copper is found
in humans are liver, muscle and bone. Copper compounds are used as bacteriostatic substances, fungicides,
and wood preservatives.The human body contains copper at a level of about
1.4 to 2.1 mg per kg of body mass. RDA for copper in adults is quoted as 0.8mg/day. Copper in the body normally undergoes enterohepatic circulation (about
5 mg a day, vs. about 1 mg per day absorbed in the diet and excreted
from the body), and the body is able to excrete some excess copper, if
needed, via bile. copper deficiency can produce anemia-like symptoms, neutropenia,
bone abnormalities, hypopigmentation, impaired growth, increased incidence
of infections, osteoporosis, hyperthyroidism, and abnormalities in glucose
and cholesterol metabolism. Food sources; oysters, squids, livers, nuts
and sobyeans etc
Iron (Fe) ; 2.8mg/100g of whole ground buckwheat
An important mineral the body needs to make hemoglobin, a substance
in the blood that carries oxygen from the lungs to tissues throughout the
body. Iron is also an important part of many other proteins and enzymes
needed by the body for normal growth and development. It is found in red
meat, fish, poultry, lentils, beans, and foods with iron added, such as
cereal. Iron is pervasive, but particularly rich sources of dietary iron
include red meat, lentils, beans, poultry, fish, leaf vegetables, watercress,
tofu, chickpeas, black-eyed peas, blackstrap molasses, fortified bread,
and fortified breakfast cereals. Iron in meat is more easily absorbed than
iron in vegetables.RDA for iron varies considerably based on age, gender,
and source of dietary iron (heme-based iron has higher bioavailability).
Infants may require iron supplements if they are bottle-fed cow's milk.
Pregnant women are at special risk of low iron levels and are often advised
to supplement their iron intake.
Magnesium (Mg) : 190mg/100g of whole ground buckwheat
Because of the important interaction between phosphate and
magnesium ions, magnesium ions are essential to the basic nucleic acid
chemistry of life, and thus are essential to all cells of all known living
organisms. Over 300 enzymes require the presence of magnesium ions for
their catalytic action, including all enzymes utilizing or synthesizing
ATP, or those that use other nucleotides to synthesize DNA and RN A.Magnesium compounds are used medicinally as common laxatives, antacids
(e.g., milk of magnesia), and in a number of situations where stabilization
of abnormal nerve excitation and blood vessel spasm is required. Magnesium
ions are sour to the taste and in low concentrations they help to impart
a natural tartness to fresh mineral waters. In vegetation, magnesium is
the metallic ion at the center of chlorophyll, and is, thus, a common additive
to fertilizers.
Low levels of magnesium in the body have been associated with the development
of a number of human illnesses such as asthma, diabetes, and osteoporosis. Taken in the proper amount, magnesium plays a role in preventing both
stroke and heart attack. The symptoms of people with fibromyalgia, migraines,
and premenstrual syndrome are less severe, and magnesium can shorten the
length of the migraine symptom.
Magnesium competes with calcium in the human body, in this way it actually keeps calcium in check. However, this can cause a calcium deficiency if calcium levels are already low. Low and high protein intake inhibit magnesium absorption, and other factors
such as phosphate, phytate and fat affect absorption. Excess dietary magnesium
is excreted in feces, urine, and sweat. UK recommended daily values for
magnesium is 300 mg for men and 270 mg for women. Spices, nuts, cereals, coffee, cocoa, tea, and vegetables are rich sources of magnesium. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach are also rich in magnesium as they contain chlorophyll.
Manganese (Mn) : 1.09mg/100g of whole ground buckwheat
Manganese is an essential trace nutrient in all known forms
of life. Manganese ions function as cofactors for a large variety of enzymes with
many functions. Manganese enzymes are particularly essential in detoxification of superoxide
free radicals in organisms that must deal with elemental oxygen. Manganese
also functions in the oxygen-evolving complex of photosynthetic plants.
The element is a required trace mineral for all known living organisms.
The human body contains about 12 mg of manganese, which is stored
mainly in the bones; in the tissue, it is mostly concentrated in the liver
and kidneys. In the human brain, the manganese is bound to manganese metalloproteins,
most notably glutamine synthetase in astrocytes.Manganese compounds are less toxic than those of other widespread metals,
such as nickel and copper. However, exposure to manganese dusts and fumes should not exceed the ceiling value of 5 mg/m3 even for short periods because of its toxicity level. Manganese poisoning has been linked to impaired motor skills and cognitive disorders
Phosphorus (P) : 400mg/100g of whole ground buckwheat
Phosphorus is essential for life in the form of phosphate
(but some are extremely toxic), it is a component of DNA, RNA, ATP, and
also the phospholipids that form all cell membranes. Demonstrating the
link between phosphorus and life, elemental phosphorus was historically
first isolated from human urine, and bone ash was an important early phosphate
Living cells also use phosphate to transport cellular energy in the form
of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Nearly every cellular process that uses
energy obtains it in the form of ATP. ATP is also important for phosphorylation,
a key regulatory event in cells. Phospholipids are the main structural
components of all cellular membranes. Calcium phosphate salts assist in
stiffening bones.
A well-fed adult in the industrialized world consumes and excretes about 1.3 grams of phosphorus per day, with consumption in the form of inorganic phosphate and phosphorus-containing biomolecules such as nucleic acids and phospholipids; Only about 0.1% of body phosphate circulates in the blood, and this amount reflects the amount of phosphate available to soft tissue cells. Low-phosphate syndromes (hypophosphatemia) include muscle and neurological dysfunction, and disruption of muscle and blood cells due to lack of ATP. Too much phosphate can lead to diarrhoea and calcification (hardening) of organs and soft tissue, and can interfere with the body's ability to use iron, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. The availability of phosphorus governs the rate of growth of many organisms. In ecosystems an excess of phosphorus can be problematic, especially in aquatic systems, resulting in eutrophication which sometimes lead to algal blooms. The main food sources for phosphorus are foods containing protein, although proteins do not contain phosphorus. For example, milk, meat, and soya typically also have phosphorus. As a rule, if one holds a meal plan providing sufficient amount of protein and calcium then the amount of phosphorus is also likely sufficient.
Potassium (K) : 410mg/100g of whole ground buckwheat
Potassium ions are necessary for the function of all living
cells. Potassium ion diffusion is a key mechanism in nerve transmission,
and potassium depletion in animals, including humans, results in various
cardiac dysfunctions. Potassium accumulates in plant cells, and thus fresh
fruits and vegetables are a good dietary source. This resulted in potassium
first being isolated from potash, the ashes of plants, giving the element
its name. For the same reason, heavy crop production rapidly depletes soils
of potassium, and agricultural fertilizers consume 95% of global potassium
chemical production. A potassium intake sufficient to support life can in general be guaranteed
by eating a variety of foods. Clear cases of potassium deficiencies are
rare in healthy individuals. Foods rich in potassium include yam, parsley,
dried apricots, dried milk, chocolate, various nuts (especially almonds
and pistachios), potatoes, bamboo shoots, bananas, avocados, soybeans,
and bran, although it is also present in sufficient quantities in most
fruits, vegetables, meat and fish. Epidemiological studies subject to hypertension indicate that diets high
in potassium can reduce the risk of hypertension and possibly stroke and
a potassium deficiency combined with an inadequate thiamine intake has
produced heart disease in rats. There is some debate regarding the optimal
amount of dietary potassium. For example, the 2004 guidelines of the Institute
of Medicine specify RDA of 4,700 mg of potassium (100 mEq), though
most Americans consume only half that amount per day, which would make
them formally deficient as regards this particular recommendation. Likewise
in the EU, particularly in Germany and Italy, insufficient potassium intake
is somewhat common. Italian researchers reported in a 2011 meta-analysis that a 1.64 g
higher daily intake of potassium was associated with a 21% lower risk of
The potassium cation is a nutrient necessary for human life and health.
Potassium chloride is used as a substitute for table salt by those seeking
to reduce sodium intake so as to control hypertension. The USDA lists tomato
paste, orange juice, beet greens, white beans, potatoes, bananas and many
other dietary sources of potassium, ranked in descending order according
to potassium content.
Sodium (Na) : 2.0mg/100g of whole ground buckwheat
In humans, sodium is an essential nutrient that regulates blood
volume, blood pressure, osmotic equilibrium and pH; the minimum physiological
requirement for sodium is 500 milligrams per day. Sodium chloride is the principal source of sodium in the diet, and is
used as seasoning and preservative, such as for pickling and jerky; most
of it comes from processed foods. RDA for sodium is 2.3 grams per day, but on average people in the
United States consume 3.4 grams per day (8.6g table salt equivalent
*), this, in turn, causes 7.6 million premature deaths worldwide.
* Table Salt Equivalent Volume (g) is calculated as Sodium volume (g) x
2.54. But as the sodium is contained in other foods too, this equivalent
volume will be shown slightly higher than actually contained in the foods.
WHO and FAO recommend in equivalent volume under 5g/day in their "Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases" which
is less than 2g of sodium.
Sodium is also important in neuron function and osmoregulation between
cells and the extracellular fluid. Unusually low or high sodium levels
in humans are recognized in medicine as hyponatremia and hypernatremia.
These conditions may be caused by genetic factors, physical factors associated
with ageing or illnesses involving vomiting or diarrhea.
Zinc (Zn) : 2.4mg/100g of whole ground buckwheat
Zinc is an essential trace element for humans. Zinc is found in nearly 100 specific enzymes (other sources say 300), serves as structural ions in transcription factors
and is stored and transferred in metallothioneins. It is the only metal which appears in all enzyme classes.
There are 2-4 grams of zinc distributed throughout the human body.
Most zinc is in the brain, muscle, bones, kidney, and liver, with the highest
concentrations in the prostate and parts of the eye. Semen is particularly
rich in zinc, which is a key factor in prostate gland function and reproductive
organ growth.
In humans, zinc plays "ubiquitous biological roles". It interacts with "a wide range of organic ligands" and has roles in the metabolism of RNA and DNA, signal transduction, and gene expression. It also regulates apoptosis. A 2006 study estimated that about 10% of human proteins potentially bind zinc, in addition to hundreds which transport and traffic zinc;
In the brain, zinc is stored in specific synaptic vesicles by glutamatergic neurons and can "modulate brain excitability". It plays a key role in synaptic plasticity and so in learning. However it has been called "the brain's dark horse" since it also can be a neurotoxin, suggesting zinc homeostasis plays a critical role in normal functioning of the brain and central nervous system.
RDA is 8 mg/day for women and 11 mg/day for men. Median intake
in the U.S. around 2000 was 9 mg/day for women and 14 mg/day
in men.
Food sources; Oysters is preeminently rich (7mg/100g), crab, lobster and iver 6mg/100g), red meats especially beef (4mg/100g) and lamb. Food
plants that contain the most zinc are wheat (germ and bran 3.0mg/100g)
buckwheat (as above 2.4mg/100g) and various seeds (sesame, poppy, alfalfa,
celery, mustard). Zinc is also found in beans, nuts, almonds, whole grains,
pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and blackcurrant.
Symptoms of mild zinc deficiency are diverse. Clinical outcomes include depressed growth, diarrhea, impotence and delayed sexual maturation, alopecia, eye and skin lesions, impaired appetite, altered cognition, impaired host defense properties, defects in carbohydrate utilization, and reproductive teratogenesis. Mild zinc deficiency depresses immunity. Although zinc is an essential requirement for good health, excess zinc can be harmful. Excessive absorption of zinc suppresses copper and iron absorption. Zinc is a common ingredient of denture cream which may contain between 17 and 38 mg of zinc per gram. There have been claims of disability, and even death, due to excessive use of these products
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